Sunday, January 30, 2011

Officially viewed worldwide! Lightbulb!

This blog got it's first worldwide view today, and like every other social media person, shamelessly I am going to make a little thing a big deal! This person was from the United Kingdom. I was typing a message on Facebook regarding this and a lightbulb went off in my head. I am going to post a fun Gemological or jewelry related topic that the particular country has or has had.

So...for the UK.....The region is rich in culture, history, and family Jewels. Get your heads out of the gutter! The Tower of London holds an incredible collection of the Crown Jewels from the past Royal Families. This is a major tourist attraction for the public, and it is a must see! I went when I was little and I still remember many pieces like it was yesterday. However, it's not the jewels that everyone gets to see that I want to talk about or the amber that washes on the historic shores, but the buried treasure!

Images from:

In July of 2010, Dave Crisp stumbled upon a find of a lifetime. He was in a field with his metal detector, and located an area that was signaling metal. He dug and located 21 roman coins dated back to 250AD. He quickly realized there was an old clay pot that needed professional care. He called archaeologists from the British Museum to help unearth the find properly. In this pot was over 52,000 ancient Roman coins! The find was valued over $1 million. This is an amazing find and shows there is more to London than meets the eye.

Images from:

So, the next time you see the treasure hunters at your local beach, (Florida has a lot of them) don't be so quick to judge them, they may be my next big customer!

For more on this story visit: - Amatuer unearth 52,000 Roman coins worth $1M

Thanks for tuning in!

Amir Chokr Gemologist (GIA)

1 comment:

  1. This is fun! I just started learning a bit more about coins at the convention I was at in Long Beach, CA. What a find! :)
